Wow! This blogging thing really works!!! Thank you all for some great advice and resources that you left on here or emailed me with. This is opening a whole new world for me.....what a help. thank you thank you thank you ;)
So time marches on and still no great news to share. I find myself in a place I really never thought I'd be at again. Lots of feelings coming to the surface that existed back when we were struggling to conceive our boys. However this time they are accompanied by a splash of guilt being that I know how lucky I am to have two happy healthy beautiful boys. Is it too much to ask for just one more happy healthy beautiful face to call my own? Am I selfish for wanting more? Why is it that some things come so easy for some and such a struggle for others? I'm still so new with this blogging thing, but wish I knew how to use it to reach out to others who are in my same boat. Can you help?